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Mind Trekker Challenge

Mind Trekker Challenge 

NewMind Group

Micah, James, Mr. Kirk, and Mr. Lange helped during the Mind Trekker Challenge and these were our experiences and fun times as we won first place in this science and technology expo for our local schools. Look for our video on our video page or on our Youtube channel.

NewMind Group

This is a little preview of our trip to the NewMind Groups office that will go into more detail in our video on our video page explaining what is happening in these pictures .

Video Conference

Video Conference

This is the Arduino club Micah and James, video conferencing with Dewitt High School students Justin and Trevor over google hang out showing each other projects that we are working on and helping each other out. We have recently visited Dewitt High School in person and took a tour of their building.

RC Car Project

RC Car Project


We plan on connecting the RC car to our phone through bluetooth to control it from an app on android. By taking out the microprocessors and hooking up the arduino board, we should be able to do this.

Dewitt High School

Dewitt High School

      Micah and James visit Dewitt High School to see how things work over in their technology department. Their classes were more relaxed and how they let their students lead and enjoy learning and have fun going to school and how the teachers sort of show them the right path to follow and then the students go off of that. 

Michigan Tech

Michigan Tech

The Arduino Project at Ryan Intermediate


Micah Sage is interacting with young kids to get them more excited about technology and to teach them coding so they can use that along with their creativity to do big projects that could help others.

Teaching young minds

GLMS Presentation


Presenting to teachers and administrators of Southwest Michigan about advanced technology and all of the capabilities it has

EFE Career Expo

EFE Career Expo


The Arduino Project visited the EFE Expo at the Kalamazoo Expo Center along with over 100 other businesses and employers

MACUL Conference


The Arduino Project won the inaugural award for the Technology Student Group catagory!

MACUL Conference

St. Joe Mini Maker Faire


The Arduino Project went to the Mini Maker Faire in St. Joesph, MI, and had a lot of fun!

Mini Maker Faire
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