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Mission Statement

To help educate students about their passions so they can change the world.


Living in a tech-savvy world


Our lives are being integrated more and more with technology. It seems to be all around us in every part of our daily lives. We have noticed this and thought that better way to prepare the incoming generation than to give them an advanced head-start on technological use. Our solution was to come up with a school program that incorporates engineering and computer sciences to give kids the edge on technological use. We will be working on advanced technologies with the use of Java, HTML, Python, and C++. Learning languages such as these and learning how to put them to use will be beneficial to whoever would like to step up and learn more. Although this program would seem confusing and hard to some people, we will work with whoever is willing to join because not only will we be learning all of this hi-tech information, but we will be putting it to use by building advanced robots and enginnering tools to give people the "wow"-factor.


It may seem like a lot of this is in no way useful or fun but on the contrary, it is the complete opposite. The top two professions in today's society is engineering and computer sciences which will both be incorporated into what we will be working on. As for this not being fun, well you will be missing out. We will be programming gadgets and robots to be compatible over bluetooth with our mobile devices to control them wirelessly. This group is fun and educational and I encourage everyone to try and take a part in it. We work on projects using programming and engineering such as making robots that are compatible with mobile devices, using sensors to monitor what is happening in the school, building devices able to be programmed with Arduino boards, and even building a nerf gun thats able to be controlled from your phone. Make sure to come in and talk to someone if you're interested in being apart of this. I can tell you personally that this group is not only a great way to learn about computers and advanced technology, but it is also a great way to get involved with local schools and earn scholarships. If you would like to get involved with our group, please feel free to email any of us or just stop into Mr. Lange's room, 2211.

The Arduino project
The Arduino Project
The Arduino Project
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